Wednesday 17 November 2010

The project - Objectives

The overall objective of the project is to raise the quality of the professional formation process in the electric and electronics fields by ensuring access to innovative learning methods and professional formation and investing in abilities connected to the use of information and communication technologies.
Some of the specific project objectives include the following:
  • To lead to the formation of specialists with superior competences and abilities in the field of electric measurements
  • To raise their interest for education and professional formation
  • To raise the mobility of the workforce in Europe, by promoting adaptability and flexibility in the labour market
  • To ensure a compatible preparation of the students for the countries involved in the project partnership
  • To use specific techniques and tools and modern practices in the field of education and professional formation among the project partners
  • To develop the abilities of students with respect to self-formation, team work and critical analysis
  • To encourage the sharing of ideas and resources among the persons involved in the forming of specialists in the field of electric measurements
  • To encourage the development and integration of key skills in vocational training
  • To develop relevant abilities for the use of the applications of Information Technology
  • To establish new links among between schools, the local communities and any other potentially relevant organization
  • To develop the English language and communication skills of the students
  • To broaden the students’ cultural horizons in learning more about the countries participating in the project

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